scala mac

If you download Scala from the official site, it comes as a tgz archive of folders containing binaries. In other words, it’s a stand-alone install that you can put wherever you want. If you’re like me and would prefer Scala tucked away in the operating sy

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  • Compared to other programming languages, installing Scala is a bit unusual. Scala is unusu...
    Download | The Scala Programming Language
  • Not so long time ago I decide to improve my programming skills with a new programming lang...
    Scala setup on Mac OS - Java & Scala tutorials! Spring ...
  • Scala在Mac下的安装方法 第一种方法 1.访问scala的官网这里下载最新版的scala。 2.解压缩文件包,可将其移动至/usr/local/share下 1 mv /do...
    Scala在Mac下的安装方法 - 陋室
  • Scala Make sure you have Java installed, the instructions are provided here. $ brew update...
    Scala | Mac OS X Setup Guide
  • If you download Scala from the official site, it comes as a tgz archive of folders contain...
    The Easy Way to install Scala on Mac OS X - Kevin Technology ...
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    mac平台scala开发环境搭建 - super-d2 - 博客园
  • How to install Java JDK on Mac OS X ( with JAVA_HOME )
    How to install Scala on Mac OS X - YouTube
  • Not so long time ago I decide to improve my programming skills with a new programming lang...
    Scala setup on Mac OS - 推酷
  • Mac 开发配置学习手册 Scala Make sure you have Java installed, the instructions are provided ... Sc...
    Scala | Mac 开发配置学习手册
  • Scala editor for Mac OS X, Windows, macOS, and Linux includes features such as syntax high...
    Scala Editor for Mac OS X, Windows, macOS, and Linux ...